Dear Parents, Trunk-or-Treat is Wednesday, October 27 from 4:30-6:00. Tickets will be sold for $4.00 a child or $10.00 for 3 or more kids. This event is only for Maples School Students. Parents or siblings 18 and over must attend with students at the event. Please do...
Abir Bazzi
Free Parent University classes return
Parents who live in the district and have children ages 6 months to 4 years are invited to attend free Parent University courses. The 2021 fall classes begin Oct. 22. Classes will be offered on Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m. at five Dearborn Public elementary schools:...

Let’s Raise Some Dough
Dearborn Education Foundation will receive $1 per pizza sold on Wednesday, October 20th. Buying pizza from the select locations in Dearborn on Wednesday, October 20 will also help support the Dearborn Public Schools Education Foundation.
On-site COVID Testing Oct 2021
Dearborn Public Schools is now offering students and staff who were close contacts at school the opportunity to get daily rapid tests for COVID-19 to avoid quarantining. On-site-COVID-Testing-Oct-2021-1Download
Maples COMMUNITY 10/12/21 Notification letter

Late Start- Wednesday, October 13,2021
Reminder:Wednesday, October 13th is a late start day. On late start days, school will begin 1 hour later with the entry bell ringing at 9:55AM and the tardy bell at 10:00AM. ثلاثة عشر تشرين الأول : دوام متأخر,يبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:55 صباحا ويقرع جرس الدخول في...

PTA Meeting- Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Maples PTA will be holding a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 12 at 9:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you!Thank youMaples PTA ,الأهالي الأعزاء اجتماع جمعية الاهالي سيتم الثلاثاء 12 تشرين الأول ,2021 في الساعة 9:30 صباحا في كافتيريا المدرسة...
Join Maples PTA
Dear Maples Parents,We would like to invite you to join the Maples PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). We meet once a month to discuss school events. The PTA helps support our school through fundraisers, helping out with field trips, school equipment, and the end of the...

Half Day- Friday, October 8, 2021
REMINDER: Friday, October 8, 2021 is a half day for all elementary students. Dismissal is at 12:05 p.m. نصف دوام يوم الجمعة,8 تشرين الأول, 2021 لجميع طلاب المدرسة الابتدائية يقرع جرس الانصراف في الساعة 12:05...

District welcomes senior citizens to events with Premiere Citizens cards