Monday 9/20: School starts 8:55 amDismissal at 3:55 pm Tuesday 9/21: School starts 8:55 amDismissal at 3:55 pm Wednesday 9/22: School starts 8:55 amDismissal at 3:55 pm Thursday 9/23: School starts 8:55 amDismissal at 3:55 pm Friday 9/24: School starts 8:55...
Abir Bazzi
District still recruiting teachers, other staff
For permanent employment apply at: For substitute employment apply at: For questions call (313) 827-3002 Teacher substitutes – APPLY NOW! Long-term – commitment of 20 days or more earn $200...
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
This is for affordable internet access for students. Parents can enroll their school child and get $50 credit on their monthly bill. Emergency_Broadband_735546_7Download

Institute for Arabic Language & Literature
Institute for Arabic Language & Literature is now enrolling for in- person Arabic classes on Saturdays 10-12:00 pm
When to keep your kid home

Half Day- Friday, September 17, 2021
REMINDER: Friday, September 17, 2021 is a half day for all elementary students. Dismissal is at 12:05 p.m. نصف دوام يوم الجمعة,17 أيلول, 2021 لجميع طلاب المدرسة الابتدائية يقرع جرس الانصراف في الساعة 12:05...
Maples COMMUNITY 9/14/21 Notification letter

Wednesday, September 15, 2021- Late Start
Reminder: Wednesday, September 15 is a late start day. On late start days, school will begin 1 hour later with the entry bell ringing at 9:55AM and the tardy bell at 10:00AM. سبتمبر١٥ : دوام متأخر,يبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:55 صباحا ويقرع جرس الدخول في تمام الساعة...
Weekly Events- 9/13-9/17
Monday 9/13: School starts 8:55 am Dismissal at 3:55 pm Tuesday 9/14: School starts 8:55 am Dismissal at 3:55 pm Wednesday 9/15: Late Start School starts at 9:55 am Thursday 9/16: School starts 8:55 am Dismissal at 3:55 pm Friday 9/17: Half Day Dismissal at 12:05 for...
Parent Teacher Conference Dates
Changes have been made to parent-teacher conference dates for this school year. 2021-22-Open-House-and-Conferences-Sept-updateDownload