Dear Parents, Kindergarten meetings start on March 14 in Dearborn Dearborn public schools is inviting parent of the next years kindergarten students to attend roundup meetings at their local elementary school to learn more about starting school and how to enroll their...
Class News
Dearborn Soccer Club- Spring 2019 Registration
Parent Talk Classes at Maples School
Dear Parents, Dr. Margaret King Ahmed will be holding Parent Talk classes at Maples School every Wednesday from February 27-April 24th. The sessions will be from 2:00-3:30. If you are interested please fill out the attached form and return to Maples Office. _2-Maples...
Teacher of the Year nominations
Reminder: Teacher of the Year nominations The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, March 8, 2019at 5:00 pm. An online nomination form is available at or the paper version of the form can be printed below:...
Weekly Events- February 25- March 1, 2019
*Monday 2/25* No School- Power Outage *Tuesday 2/26* Girls who code club-3:45-4:45 pm *Wednesday 2/27* Girls running club-3:45-4:30 pm *Thursday 2/28* *Friday 3/1* Talent Show try outs- 4:00-5:00 pm
Maples School Closed Monday, February 25, 2019
Dear Parents, Due to power outage, Maples School will be closed on Monday, February 25, 2019. نظرا لإنقطاع الكهرباء بمدرسة مايبلز فلن يكون هناك دوام غدا الإثنين الموافق 25 فبراير
Spring Picture Day- March 15, 2019
Spring Picture Day is March 15, 2019 Parents, you may order before Picture Day at: Use Picture Day Id: LM748438Y0
PTA Pizza Sale- February 22, 2019
Dear Maples Parents, The PTA is having a Pizza sale on Friday,February 22 at dismissal time. One slice of cheese pizza will be sold for $1 and juice will be $0.50. Thank you for your support! Maples PTA الأهالي الأعزاء ستقوم جمعية الأهالي في مدرسة مايبلز ببيع البيتزا...
Reading/Language Website Links
Parents, Below are educational links to online reading/language websites your child can access to improve language and literacy skills. K-1 Reading Eggs K-5 Zearn
Read by Grade Three Guide- Parent Guide
Parents, Below is a link to complied resources and responses to frequently asked questions regarding MCL 380.1280f, referred to as the "Read by Grade Three" law. The purpose of this guide is to support district implementation of the legislation by providing current...