Maples Elementary School

Month: March 2016

Maples Arabic Music Ensemble Visits Ann Arbor

Dear Parents,  Forty two students of Maples Arabic Music Ensemble went to Carpenter School in Ann Arbor to perform to other students. Mrs. Faraj received an email form Carpenter School to let us know how amazing the Ensemble was. Thank you very much our AMAZING Mrs....

Special Guest Reader- Mayor O’Reilly

Dear Parents, Dearborn's Mayor, John O'Reilly visited Maples today to read to our fifth graders. The students were very excited to have Mayor O'Reilly read to them. They demonstrated great respect and politeness. They asked the Mayor great questions and...

Very Important Reminders

Please make a note of the important dates below: Extended Day will be cancelled for Wednesday, March 23 and Thursday, March 24. Girl's Running Club is cancelled for Thursday, March 24. School will be closed on Friday, March 25 through Friday, April 1st. School will...

Parent Meeting Tomorrow

Dear Parents,  Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the cafeteria for one of the most important parent meetings for this year. You will have the chance to observe firsthand what goes on in the classrooms. Hope to see you all! Thank you!...

Extended Day-Week of 3/21/2016

Good Morning Families, Extended Day will be canceled on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Please pick your children up at 3:35 on these days! We will have extended day tomorrow Tuesday, March 22. Thank you! سيلغى دوام برنامج مساعدة الأولاد بعد المدرسة نهار...

Mark Your Calendars: Parent Meeting on Tuesday

Dear Parents, We cordially invite you to attend one of our most important meetings for this school year. You will be able to go in the classrooms and observe teachers and students in action. New methods and tools such as Promethean Boards, School Improvement Plan...

Officer Mockbil Reads at Maples

Dear Parents, Dearborn Police Officer, Foyid Mockbil visited Maples today to read to our Kindergartners. The students were very excited to have Officer Mockbil read to them. A HUGE thank you, Officer Mockbil, for being a wonderful story teller! We really appreciate...

We Need Your Help نريد مساعدتكم

Dear Families,  We need your help identifying incoming Kindergarten students. Please spread the word so parents who have a child who will be five years old by September 1st, 2016 attend a Kindergarten Round-Up at Maples elementary school on Wednesday, April 13 at 9:00...