Maples staff would like to wish parents and students a very bright and cheerful Christmas! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Maples staff would like to wish parents and students a very bright and cheerful Christmas! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
No School Monday December 25, 2017 through Friday January 5, 2018 Schools will be closed for Winter break المدرسة مغلقة الإثنين 25 كانون الأول 2017 إلى الجمعة 5 كانون الثاني ,2018 سيتم اغلاق المدرسة لقضاء عطلة...
The winter concert was AWESOME!!!!!! Our Maples students performed beautifully! A big thank you to Mrs. Meyers for a successful event Enjoy some photos and videos from the event ...
The guidelines we use to determine if students will go outside for recess or have inside line-up for arrival are a combined temperature and windchill of below 20 degrees. Therefore, if the weather is below 20 degrees, students will remain inside for recess and we...
Dear Parents, Maples P.T.A. will be hosting a Holiday Shop for the students. The students can buy gifts for their family members or for themselves. The prices of the items will range from $0.25- $10.00. Students will be shopping on Wednesday, December 20- December 22,...
On December 18, 2017 Maples Drummers got their spot light at the Pistons game in Little Ceasars Arena before the game started. Great job students!! We are proud of you! Gooooo Maples 🥁 🥁 Click this link to watch our Maples Stars Shine!!!
Late Start Tomorrow, Wednesday December 20, 2017 School starts at 9:35 a.m. دوام متأخر غداً الأربعاء,20 كانون الاول, 2017 سيبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:35 صباحا
The guidelines we use to determine if students will go outside for recess or have inside line-up for arrival are a combined temperature and windchill of below 20 degrees. Therefore, if the weather is below 20 degrees, students will remain inside for recess and we...
*Monday 12/18* 4th/5th grade Field trip *Tuesday 12/19* *Wednesday 12/20* Late Start- School starts at 9:35 a.m PTA Holiday shop *Thursday 12/21* PTA Holiday Shop *Friday 12/22* PTA Holiday Shop All schools closes at end of day- Winter break...
Family Math Game Day was AWESOME!!!!!! A big thank you to our Maples parents that attended, you made the event a very successful one!!!