Maples Elementary School

Community To Gather In Support Of Public Education- التجمع دعما للتعليم العام

Parents, students, staff members, and community members will gather on January 19 to show they are united in their support for public education. The event is part of a national day of action and will take place at the Dearborn Public Schools Administrative Service Center, 18700 Audette, Dbn. 48124 beginning at 9:45 a.m.

Any member of the community interested in showing their support for public education is welcome to stop by the Administration Building beginning at 9:30 a.m.



سيتم تجمع الاهالي والطلاب والموظفين وأفراد المجتمع في 19 كانون الثاني لإظهار أنهم 

متحدون في دعمهم للتعليم العام          
:هذا الحدث هو جزء من يوم وطني للعمل وسوف يكون في       

Dearborn Public Schools Administrative Service Center, 18700 Audette, Dbn. 48124 beginning at 9:45 a.m.