Applying to STEM
Applying to STEM
2017-2018 Applications will be accepted beginning January 30, 2017!
Applications for the school Year 2017-2018 will be submitted online by clicking the link apply online
All applications must be submitted by March 17, 2017 .
All students on a wait list must re-apply from year to year.
NEW THIS YEAR: Middle School Selection Process: Apply before the deadline!
- Students apply online between January and March
- Application includes applicant response to a writing prompt; click here to complete prompt. Prompt will be scored on a three point rubric; view rubric.
- A short teacher recommendation survey (will be sent to your 5th grade teacher upon completion of application).
- NWEA RIT scores, available at the time of selection. 6th Grade RIT cut scores are:
- Reading: 225 or higher
- Math: 230 or higher
- Science: 215 or higher
Each RIT score meeting the above criteria for Reading, Math, and Science are sorted, by RIT, from top to bottom and the top scores are color coded in each area.
- M-STEP scale score: available at the time of selection. M-STEP cut scores are determined after the test is completed. We will look at cut scores for “4” and high “3” in proficiency ranking. Last year, for 6th grade, the scores would have been:
- Over all ELA: 1514-1560+
- Math: 1506-1550+
Each M-STEP scale score meeting the above criteria for overall ELA and Math are sorted, by scale score, from top to bottom. The top scores are color coded in each area.
- The first to be chosen have color on all 5 measures, the next will have 4, then the next 3, and so on until we exhaust our list or reach our seat limit of 60.
- The wait list will be ranked in the same manner.
- Applicants will be notified whether or not they are accepted by mail no later than May of 2017.
NEW students who are accepted must complete and return this paperwork to STEM main office room 163 located at 22586 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127. Phone 313-827-1904. Click here for paper work
Should you receive an acceptance letter and are NO LONGER INTERESTED, please contact the school office as soon as possible. 313-827-1904.
If we do not hear from you, applicants that are accepted will be dropped from their home schools and added to STEM Middle School.
This is a school of choice and transportation is the families responsibility.