Maples Elementary School

Year: 2017

Principal Challenge-postponed

Dear Parents, The Principal Challenge has been postponed  for the month of June during Carnival day. Thank you ,الاهالي الكرام ان احتفال تحدي مديرات المدرسة سوف يوءجل الى شهر حزيران ليكون مع ايّام الكرنفال شكرا...

Maples Literacy Night-Tomorrow- March 30 4:30-6:00

Maples Literacy Night-Tomorrow- March 30 4:30-6:00

Please join us Tomorrow for a fun filled evening! احتفال القراءة في مدرسة مايبلز الخميس 30 آذار 4:30-6:00 p.m            نرجوا مشاركتكم باحتفال  أمسية المرح والتعبير عن حبنا للقرائة في مدرسة...


  Dear 5th grade Parents, Please join us tomorrow, Thursday March 30 at 2:30 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria. Fifth grade teachers will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. The meeting is for...

After School Program will be cancelled on Wednesday & Thursday

Dear Parents, The After School Program will be cancelled on Wednesday March 29 and Thursday, March 30, 2017.Please pick your children up at 3:35 . Thank you حضرة الأهالي الكرام 2017 ,سيلغى دوام برنامج مساعدة الأولاد بعد الدوام نهارالأربَعاء و الخميس الواقع في  29 آذار...

Special Guest Reader- Dr.Maleyko

Special Guest Reader- Dr.Maleyko

Dear Parents, Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maleyko visited Maples today to read to our third graders. The students were very excited to have Dr. Maleyko read to them. They demonstrated great respect and politeness. The students asked Dr.Maleyko  many...

PTA Meeting- April

Dear parents, Please remember that Maples PTA meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month. The PTA meeting for the month of April will be Wednesday,April 12, 2017 at 9:45 a.m. in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there! Maples PTA ,الأهالي الأعزاء  يتم...


Dear Maples 3rd and 4th grade Families, Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday March 28 at 2:30 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria. Mrs. Irani and Mrs. Marvaso will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. The...

Special Guest Reader- Mrs. Jakubik

Special Guest Reader- Mrs. Jakubik

Dear Parents, On Friday March 24, 2017, fourth grade students had a special guest reader. Our one and only Mrs. Jakubik, our school Principal.Students asked questions, interacted, and enjoyed listening!

4th Grade Mole Music Assembly

4th Grade Mole Music Assembly

Dear Parents, Our 4th graders had an Mole Music Assembly performed by Ms. Tolias, a retired Dearborn Music Teacher and Professional violist and Ms. Meyer, District Resource Teacher. Mole music is an assembly that takes the book Mole Music and brings it to life through...