Stout Middle School- Strings Concert Stout's String students visited Maples today and performed for our fourth and fifth graders. The students were outstanding and the music was wonderful! Great job, Stout students!

Stout Middle School- Strings Concert Stout's String students visited Maples today and performed for our fourth and fifth graders. The students were outstanding and the music was wonderful! Great job, Stout students!
Dear Parents, Last call to become a PTA member. We need members to join us and help make our school successful. The PTA helps fund activities, field trips, the 5th grade promotion and the end of the year carnival to name a few. Next year the board will need all new...
Dear Maples 3rd and 4th grade Families, Please join us Tuesday March 28 at 2:30 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria. Mrs. Irani and Mrs. Marvaso will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. The meeting is...
This young lady is a honest student! She turned in money she found in the cafeteria today.
Dear Parents, Who's ready to have some FUN! Our principals are doing the PRINCIPAL CHALLENGE! Mrs. Jakubik and Mrs.Shajira are willing to dye their hair red, get pies thrown in their face or duct taped to a wall! It's all up to you, you decide. We will have 3 jars...
Two honest students found a jump rope for heart key chain in the hallway and returned it to the office Being honest in your heart at Maples School feels better than ice cream!
A few of our thoughtful students cleaned up the mess in front of the school yesterday morning. They saw the mess and decided to clean it up on their own without being asked! Great job girls! You are outstanding! Mrs. Jakubik is very proud of you !!
Dearborn's Mayor, John O'Reilly visited Maples today to read to our Kindergartners. The students were very excited to have Mayor O'Reilly read to them. They demonstrated great respect and politeness. Thank you Mayor O'Reilly for always being there for our students and...
Please join us احتفال القراءة في مدرسة مايبلز الخميس 30 آذار 4:30-6:00 p.m نرجوا مشاركتكم باحتفال أمسية المرح والتعبير عن حبنا للقرائة في مدرسة...
FUN FUN FUN!!! احتفال تزلج المدرسة مدرسة مايبلز إبتدائية تاريخ: الخميس,13 نيسان 2017 الوقت: 8-6:00 Lincoln Park Skating Center...