Year: 2017

Wacky Wednesday- November 15, 2017
It all began with a shoe on the wall. A shoe on the wall…..shouldn’t be there at all! And then I looked up and said “aw man!” And that’s how WACKY Wednesday began. The PTA will pick one Wednesday a month to be wacky. Those who choose to participate will pay $1.00...
No school for kindergarten students only -November 17, 2017
**Important Reminder** No School for Kindergarten/Young 5’s Students Friday November 17, 2017 **تذكير هام** فقط(Young 5's) عطلة مدرسية لصفوف الروضة و الصغار في الخمسة يوم الجمعة ,17 تشرين الأول,...
Late Start- November 15, 2017
Late Start Wednesday November 15,2017 School starts at 9:35 a.m. دوام متأخر الأربعاء,15 تشرين الثاني, 2017 سيبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:35 صباحا
Weekly Events
*Monday 11/13* *Tuesday 11/14* *Wednesday 11/15* Late Start- School starts at 9:35 am Wacky Wednesday- Wacky hair day *Thursday 11/16* *Friday 11/17* No School -Kindergarten Students Only

Play and Learn Groups

Happenings at Maples
Teachers were busy learning while students enjoyed a sunny day off from school
PTA- Popcorn and juice sale Nov 10
Dear Maples Parents, The PTA is having a Popcorn sale on Friday, November 10 after school. One bag of popcorn will be sold for $1.00 and juice will be $0.50. Thank you for your support! Maples PTA الأهالي الأعزاء ستقوم جمعية الأهالي في مدرسة مايبلز ببيع البشار نهار...
Weekly Events
*Monday 11/6* *Tuesday 11/7* No School *Wednesday 11/8* Parent Meeting @ 9:00 a.m *Thursday 11/9* *Friday 11/10* Picture Retakes PTA popcorn and juice sale- after school

Picture Retake is November 10
Picture Retakes Picture retakes are Friday November 10, 2017 from 1-3 p.m. It's for students who were absent, students enrolled at Maples after picture day, and parents who are not satisfied with their child’s pictures (for those who are not satisfied, please return...