This morning our 3rd and 4th graders had a visit from Officer Saleh of the Dearborn Police Department. Officer Saleh gave a lesson about following the rules.

This morning our 3rd and 4th graders had a visit from Officer Saleh of the Dearborn Police Department. Officer Saleh gave a lesson about following the rules.
REMINDER PTA SPONSORED EVENT- Movie Night TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 For 2ND and 3RD Grade ONLY (From 4:00 to 6:00) سهرة سينمائية برعاية جمعية الأهالي ميبلز الثلاثاء, 17 تشرين الأول ,2017 صفوف الثاني والثالث من الساعة 4:00-6:00...
Power has been restored at Maples School. School will be open October 13,2017. الاهالي الكرام نحيطكم علماً انه أُعيدت الكهرباء الى المدرسة واليوم الجمعة ١٠/١٣/١٧ هو يوم دراسي يرجى احضار الطلاب في الوقت...
Dear Maples Parents, The PTA is having a Pizza sale on Friday,October 13 at dismissal time. One slice of cheese pizza will be sold for $1 and juice will be $0.50. Juice donations will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support! Maples PTA الأهالي الأعزاء...
Half Day Tomorrow Friday October 13, 2017 The bell rings at 11:45 a.m. نصف دوام غداً الجمعة,13 تشرين الأول ,2017 يقرع جرس الانصراف في الساعة 11:45 صباحاً
Dear Parents, Maples School will be closed October 12, 2017 due to power outage. There will be no school. Thank you ,أهالي مدرسة ميبلز المدرسة مغلقة اليوم 12 تشرين الأول 2017 لسبب انقطاع الكهرباء .في مبنى المدرسة. يرجى عدم إرسال الأولاد الى المدرسة شكرا ...
Dear Maples Parents, The PTA is having a Pizza sale on Friday,October 13 at dismissal time. One slice of cheese pizza will be sold for $1 and juice will be $0.50. Juice donations will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support! Maples PTA ,الأهالي الأعزاء...
*Monday 10/9* *Tuesday 10/10* 4th grade presentations Parent Talk Class @2:15 *Wednesday 10/11* *Thursday 10/12* Parent Talk Class @ 2:15 *Friday 10/6* Half Day- Students dismissed at 11:45 am PTA Pizza Sale
All Maples students are dismissed at 3:35. Parents are expected to pick their child up at 3:35 when they are dismissed. Please plan accordingly and arrive on time to park and walk to your designated pick-up location. Parents should NOT be stopping cars in the middle...