Maples Elementary School

Year: 2018


Dear Maples Parent, We would like to invite you to join the Maples PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). PTA meetings are held once a month to discuss school events. The PTA helps support our school through fundraisers, helping out with field trips, school equipment, and...

School Picture Day- Tuesday, October 2, 2018

School Picture Day- Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Picture day is Tuesday,October 2. Please fill out the form that will be sent home soon, put the exact amount of money in the envelope, and return with your child to the classroom teacher. IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please be prepared. Lifetouch staff or the school office will...

Late Start- Wednesday September 19, 2018

Late Start Tomorrow,Wednesday,September 19, 2018 School starts at 9:35 a.m. دوام متأخر غداً الأربعاء,19 أيلول, 2018 سيبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:35 صباحا