REMINDER: Sunday, April 29th is the last day for the Bikes for Books reading program.Raffle for the Bikes for Books will take place on Thursday May 3, 2018!! :تذكير .الأحد 29 أبريل هو اليوم الأخير لبرنامج القراءة 2018سيتم سحب الرابح للدراجات النارية للكتب في يوم...
Year: 2018
Care to the Core at Maples
Monday April 23, 2018 was Care To The CORE Day and every Dearborn public school participated in an activity that demonstrated programs that were centered on helping students resolve conflicts, understand the impact of their behaviors, and create a safer school...
Last day for before/after school program -Thursday April 26, 2018
Maples Parents, The last day for the before/after school program will be this Thursday, April 26, 2018. Please drop off/pick up your child at the regular school hours AFTER this date. Thank you! ,الاهالي الكرام سينتهي برنامج مساعدة الأولاد قبل/بعد الدوام نهار الخميس...
3rd grade Parent Meeting-April 26,2018 @ 2:50
Dear third grade parents, Please join us Thursday April 26 at 2:50 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria. Third teachers will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. The meeting is for 3rd grade parents...
Annual City Wide Art Show- April 25 @4:00
Congratulations to the following students who will be representing Maples Elementary in the annual City Wide Art Show this year! The opening is Wednesday, April 25 at 4:00. It's at the Padzieski Gallery inside of the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center. Reem...
4th Grade Parent Meeting-Wednesday April 25 @ 2:50
Dear fourth grade parents, Please join us Wednesday April 25 at 2:50 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria.Fourth grade teachers will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. This meeting is for 4th grade...
Weekly Events- April 23-April 27, 2018
*Monday 4/23* Young 5's field trip Care to the Core -Be a buddy, not a bully: reading activity (All Day) *Tuesday 4/24* *Wednesday 4/25* Kindergarten field trip 4th grade parent Meeting @2:50 *Thursday 4/26* 3rd grade parent meeting @2:50 *Friday 4/27* PTA pizza...
Lunch Menu Change- Thursday April 19, 2018
Lunch menu change for Thursday April 19, 2018 1st choice: Chef's choice تغيير قائمة الغداء نهار الخميس 19 نيسان 2018 الاختيار الاول : اختيار الشيف
PTA Donut/Juice Sale-Friday April 20, 2018
Dear Parents, The PTA is having a donut and juice sale on Friday April 20,2018 after school. Donuts will be $1 and juice will be $.50 Thank you for your support! Maples PTA ,الأهالي الأعزاء جمعية الأهالي في مدرسة مايبلز ستقوم ببيع دونات و العصير يوم الجمعة، 20 نيسان...
Girls Running Club Canceled for today- Tuesday April 17, 2018
Dear Parents, Girls running club will be canceled for today, Tuesday April 17, 2018 Thank you Mrs. Wolski & Mrs. Wozniak ,حضرة الأهالي الكرام تم إلغاء نادي البنات نهار الثلاثاء 17 نيسان,2018 شكرا لكم Wolski والسيدة Wozniak...