Maples Elementary School

Maples PTA

We The PTA Board at Maples Elementary School would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you to the 2021-2021 school year. As we all know the purpose of the PTA is to support the faculty, staff, parents, and most especially our students.  PTA Board will be busy developing the details for a very productive and exciting year aimed at enhancing the educational environment for all of our students.  Being a parent member in the PTA you can help us with many great events throughout the school year, which includes: Pizza Sale, Bake Sale, Movie Nights, Santa Shop, Book Fair, School Carnival, etc. PTA involvement will be different this year due to some restrictions applied due to the pandemic. We are hoping with your support we can ensure our students can enjoy school events sponsored by the PTA. Working together will make this year very special to our students.

If you are interested, please fill out the form that was sent with your child today or see the attached form

Thank you!