Dear Parents,
Every minute of classroom time is important to your child’s success. We ask that you schedule all appointments after school hours or during school breaks.
Spring Break: April 6-April 10,2020
It is VERY important for students to start the day and end the day with the class.
Students should arrive to school at 8:35. Students arriving after 8:35 must sign-in at the office so that their attendance can be changed from absent to tardy.
If a student is being picked up for an appointment during the day, please write a note in the student planner so the teacher can have the student ready to leave. This will allow the teacher to have the student ready to leave early. Please bring a doctor’s note to the office following the appointment. The absence will not be marked excused without a note.
**We will not call a student to the office until you arrive at the office.**
Students can not be dismissed from class after 3:00. Teachers are finishing lessons, assigning homework and completing planners and can not stop to prepare individual students to leave. Please plan accordingly and schedule make appointments after school is over.
Again, every minute of instruction time is important and students should arrive and leave on time every day.
Donna Jakubik
Maples School Principal