Maples Elementary School

Class News

School Improvement Walkthrough

Dear Maples Parents, If you would like to participate in the school improvement walkthrough with the district administrative team, please fill out this form. You will be receiving a reminder call 45 minutes prior to the start of the visit. You will be able to choose...

Weekly Events- October 8-October 12, 2018

*Monday 10/8* *Tuesday 10/9* *Wednesday 10/10* Walk/Bike to School Day *Thursday 10/11*Family Game Night/PTA Bake Sale 5:00-6:00 *Friday 10/12* Half Day-Dismissal @ 11:45/ PTA Pizza Sale

PTA Bake Sale- October 11, 2018

Dear Maples Parents, The PTA will be hosting a Bake Sale on Thursday, October 11, 2018 during Family Game Night. Price for all baked items are $1.00. The money collected from the Bake Sales is used to fund school activities for our children throughout the year. Once...

Walk or Bike to School Day- Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dear Maples Parents and Students, Wednesday, October 10th is Walk or Bike to School Day.  We are encouraging all Maples students to walk or bike to school.  It is healthier, better for the environment, and fun!  Read the following link for more information about the...


Dear Maples Parent, We would like to invite you to join the Maples PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). PTA meetings are held once a month to discuss school events. The PTA helps support our school through fundraisers, helping out with field trips, school equipment, and...