Maples Elementary School

Class News

PTA Father’s Day Sale- June 7-June 8, 2018

PTA Father’s Day Sale- June 7-June 8, 2018

Dear Parents, Maples P.T.A. will be hosting a Father’s Day  Shop for students. Classes will shop on Thursday June 7 and Friday June 8, 2018 during school hours. The price of all  items will be $2.00 Thank you! Maples PTA ,حضرة الأهالي الكرام ستقوم جمعية الأهالي في...

Weekly Events- June 4-June 8, 2018

*Monday 6/4* *Tuesday 6/5* *Wednesday 6/6* Maples Concert @9:00 am *Thursday  6/7* 3rd grade field trip PTA Father's Day Sale *Friday 6/8* PTA Father's Day Sale  

Maples Parent Meeting- Wednesday May 30 @2:00

Maples Families, Please join us Wednesday, May 30, 2018 for an informational parent meeting at 2:00. The meeting will take place in the cafeteria. Topics that will be discussed are Summer Tips & Learning / Retention and Maples Summer School Program. We look...

Maples Parent Meeting- Wednesday May 30, 2018

Maples Families, Please join us Wednesday, May 30, 2018 for an informational parent meeting at 2:30.  The meeting will take place in the cafeteria. Topics that will be discussed are Summer Tips & Learning / Retention and Maples Summer School Program. We look...