Maples Elementary School

Class News

Maples school carnival-Monday May 14, 2018

Maples school carnival-Monday May 14, 2018

Maples annual carnival was on May 14, 2018. A BIG THANK YOU to Maples PTA for making Maples School Carnival a very special time for the students and the teachers. A special thank you to our Maples PTA president Mrs.Lisa Moukalled for organizing the event and also to...

Late Start Tomorrow- May 16, 2018

Late Start Tomorrow Wednesday May 16, 2018  School starts at 9:35 a.m. دوام متأخرغداً الأربعاء 16 أيار ,2018 ًيبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:35 صباحا

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon- May 8, 2018

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon- May 8, 2018

Thank you to our hard working Maples PTA moms! The staff appreciates everything you have done for them including the delicious and beautifully decorated luncheon to start off Teacher Appreciation Week. Your hard work and tireless hours of volunteering have made such a...

PTA Mother’s Day Shop- May 9 & May 10, 2018

PTA Mother’s Day Shop- May 9 & May 10, 2018

Dear Parents, Maples P.T.A. will be hosting a Mother’s Day  Shop for students. Classes will shop on Wednesday, May 9 and Thursday, May 10, 2018  during school hours. The price of all items will be $2.00 Thank you! Maples PTA ,حضرة الأهالي الكرام ستقوم جمعية الأهالي في...

Weekly Events- May 7-May 11, 2018

*Monday 5/7* Teacher Appreciation Week Bring in a flower for your teacher *Tuesday 5/8* Write a Thank you note to your teacher *Wednesday 5/9* Bring in a snack for your teacher Mother's day shop *Thursday  5/10* Bring in school supplies for your teacher Mother's day...

Teacher Appreciation Week-May 7-May 11, 2018

Teacher Appreciation Week-May 7-May 11, 2018

        Dear Maples Families, Teachers play a key role in student success and sometimes a simple “thanks” is all a teacher needs to feel valued. Take the time to celebrate your children’s teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week May 7-11, 2018....

PTA pizza/juice sale- Friday May 4, 2018

Dear Maples Parents, The PTA is having a Pizza sale on Friday, May 4, 2018 at dismissal time. One slice of cheese pizza will be sold for $1.00 and juice will be $0.50. Thank you for your support! Maples PTA الأهالي الأعزاء ستقوم جمعية الأهالي في مدرسة مايبلز ببيع...