Maples Elementary School

Class News

Shoe & Clothing Drive at Maples School

Shoe & Clothing Drive at Maples School

Maples school is collecting  used clothing in order to raise funds for Blue Hands United. So if you are Spring cleaning…..please donate today! Two donation stations have been set at Maples School for shoe/clothing donation. One in the first floor hallway, second one...

March is reading month/Guest reader- Honorable Judge Turfe

March is reading month/Guest reader- Honorable Judge Turfe

“I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I WILL GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL”, this was the oath all Maples fifth graders made in front of Judge Turfe on Monday March, 26 2018 when he visited Maples. Honorable Judge Turfe read a book to the fifth graders and answered all their questions....

PTA Bake Sale- Wednesday March 28, 2018

Dear Maples Parents, The P.T.A will be hosting a Bake Sale on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 (during literacy night).The prices range from $0.25 - $1.00. The money collected from the Bake Sales is used to fund school activities for our children throughout the year. Once...

After school program canceled- Wednesday March 28, 2018

Dear Parents, The after school program will be canceled tomorrow Wednesday,March 28, 2018 due to Literacy night. Thank you ,الآباء الأعزاء الأربعاء 28 مارس ، سيتم إلغاء برنامج مساعدة الأولاد بعد الدوام بسبب احتفال القراءة شكرا لكم...

Fifth grade parent meeting- March 29, 2018

Dear fifth grade parents, Please join us Thursday March 29 at 1:45 for an informational parent meeting on M-Step in the cafeteria. Fifth grade teachers will be discussing the M-step test, the students tested and the testing calendar. The meeting is for 5th grade...

First grade parent meeting- March 29, 2018

Maples first grade families, Please join us Thursday, March 29, 2018 for an informational parent meeting at 2:45 pm.  The meeting will take place in the cafeteria. Topics that will be discussed are the new programs students will be using, Reading Eggs and MathSeeds....

Maples Literacy Night- Wednesday March 28, 2018 at 4:30

Maples Literacy Night- Wednesday March 28, 2018 at 4:30

احتفال القراءة في مدرسة مايبلز الأربعاء 28 آذار 4:30-6:00 p.m نرجوا مشاركتكم باحتفال  أمسية المرح والتعبير عن حبنا   للقرائة في مدرسة مايبلز 

Weekly Events- March 26-March 30, 2018

*Monday 3/26* Mismatch/Backward day *Tuesday 3/27* Maples Colors or Maples shirt day *Wednesday 3/27* Crazy hair day Young 5's field trip Literacy Night/Bake sale- 4:30-6:00 *Thursday  3/28* Pajama Day 5th grade parent meeting @ 1:45 1st grade parent meeting @ 2:45...

Maples Spirit Week- March 26-March 29, 2018

Maples Spirit Week: March 26-March 29 **Students show your school spirit by participating!!**   Monday March 26:   Mismatch/backward day Tuesday March  27: Maples colors/spirit day (wear maples T shirts or red and white) Wednesday March  28:  Crazy Hair Day...