This young man found $20 in the hallway, he was honest, generous, and kind.He returned the money to the main office Great Job we are proud of you!

This young man found $20 in the hallway, he was honest, generous, and kind.He returned the money to the main office Great Job we are proud of you!
Thank you Mrs. Wancha and class for helping clean up around our school. Help keep our school and grounds beautiful!
Thank you to this generous and honest student for turning in money he found Maples Staff is proud to have honest Students!!
Dear Parents, This Summer a series of summer programs are being offered to students.These programs are designed to improve reading and study skills, and to stimulate greater interest in reading. Please see the flyer below. Thank you
Maples Kindergarten Families, Please join us Wednesday May 24 for an informational parent meeting at 8:45a.m. Topic that will be discussed is the Read by 3rd Grade Law. The meeting will take place in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you. Thank you ,أهالي صف...
Dear Parents, Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that you take the time to complete the AdvancED Parent Survey as a means to elicit your opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective.The online survey...
PTA Carnival The carnival will be on Friday, May 19, 2017 from 9am-3pm. The students will need plenty of water on the playground. We would appreciate water donations, small bags of chips, Frozen popsicles or baked goodies. You can drop off your donations at Door #6 on...
Parents: Please Join us! Student Showcase Our annual Showcase of Student Work will take place Tuesday, May 30 at 2:30 pm. We invite ALL PARENTS to come and see displays of work by our students. Great work has been accomplished this year! الأهالي الكرام: انضمو الينا...
Late Start Tomorrow, Wednesday May 17, 2017 School starts at 9:35 a.m. 2017,دوام متأخر غداً الأربعاء,17 أيار سيبدأ الدوام في تمام الساعة 9:35 صباحا
Dear Parents, Stout Middle School Parent Orientation is Tuesday, May 23,2017. Invitations will go home with your child this week.